FAQs on SAP Enterprise Portal - (Knowledge Management)

Q) How is SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management integrated into the SAP Enterprise Portal?
Technically speaking, the SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management (KM) services are installed by a separate choice in the installer, but then run on the same server(s) as the SAP Enterprise Portal (EP). KM relies on some services of SAP EP as e.g. the user management. Only the Search and Classification Engine (TREX) should run on a separate server.
From a user's and/or content manager's perspective, the KM functionalities are accessed through delivered standard iViews, the default search field in the portal header, etc. The user interfaces to KM are highly configurable and can thus be adjusted to almost any desired navigation strategy and/or corporate design.
Q) How much does SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management cost?
SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management is included in the SAP NetWeaver license and was previously included in the SAP Enterprise Portal license. Nevertheless, please consult your SAP sales contact to identify special cases such as e.g. external facing portals.
Q) Can SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management integrate other systems?
SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management has an open framework to allow access to additional document storage strategies. These "repositories" are connected into the framework by so called "repository managers". SAP delivers some of these "repository managers"; Of course the integration of 3rd party repositories is an option only and not a mandatory approach. SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management does also provide its own storage solution.
Q) Which sources can Search and Classification (TREX) index and search?
Search and Classification (TREX) within SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management can index and search any document that is connected into the repository framework (see above). Future developments will add business objects and additional repositories to the search scope.
Q) What is the difference between SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management and the SAP Knowledge Warehouse (KW)?
The SAP KW is specialized in managing SAP-related training and documentation in an R/3 environment.
SAP NetWeaver Knowledge Management is specialized in collaboratively managing information and documents in disparate repositories within an organization via the SAP Enterprise Portal.

FAQs on SAP Enterprise Portal  (BI Integration)

Q) Do the usage types required to run a BI system (BI, BI Java, EP, AS ABAP, AS Java) need to be kept in sync?
Yes, please see SAP Note 873996 (SMP login required).
Q) What happens technically if I launch a BI object (e.g. report, query or web application) via the Java / EP runtime?
Technically a Launcher-iView (com.sap.ip.bi.bex) is being parameterized. For example if the object is a formatted report it is the parameter REPORT=xyz. That means technically a parameterized iView is executed (The portal navigation is per default not visible, only the iView directly in a browser window). You can save such an object directly in a portal role. Just create a BI iView, in our example the parameter REPORT=xyz has to be specified.
The objects are also available via BI favorites or via the BI PFCG roles. Here the URL is being generated with placeholders similar to the ABAP runtime approach. Queries & Enterprise Reports are opened within a default template. The templates (for example the report default template 0REPORT_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE can be copied and modified according to your needs. In general however we recommend sticking with the
default templates. The default templates are designed for enhanced viewing experience; they are not particularly designed to be easily changeable. We do not recommend or provide documentation on how to do manual changes.
Q) Does the SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0 (2004s) scenario “Enterprise Reporting, Query & Analysis” require the usage types BI Java and Enterprise Portal (EP)?
Yes. The scenario requires the usage types BI Java and Enterprise Portal. For an overview of all usage types required for the scenario, see the Master Guide.
BI Java is mandatory for all customers who wish to use new front-end features of SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0 (2004s) like the new BEx Web runtime & the new tools of the BEx Suite.
The other two BI IT Scenarios also require BI Java and EP. "BI Integrated Planning" always requires it, as does the "Enterprise Data Warehouse" scenario. The AS Java usage type is required to use of the Administration Cockpit or the use of Universal Data Connect (UDC) [part of Universal Data Integration (UDI)], BI Java SDK [also part of UDI], or Web Services testing functions. AS Java can be installed by itself or using the BI Java usage type.
Q) Can one NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) BI Portal handle multiple NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) BI systems?
Each NetWeaver 7.0 BI system needs its own BI Java usage type which again needs its own EP usage type.
That means you can bring different BI systems together in one overall 04s or 6.0 EP but technically each NetWeaver 7.0 BI instance also has its own EP installed underneath for technical reasons. For end-users of course you bring it all together in one EP on top.
Q) In SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0 (2004s), which BEx Web functions require SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal?
As soon as you use any of the new BI capabilities for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) BEx tools (such as BEx Analyzer & Broadcasting), you require usage types BI Java and Portal. The only exception is if you do not use SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BEx tools and ONLY use the old 3.x BEx tools.
Q)Do you need one server or two servers for SAP NetWeaver Portal and BI?
This depends on the expected load on SAP NetWeaver Portal and on the existing system landscape: One server, if the BI system only uses types AS-ABAP and AS-Java on one server
Q) Should I use the installed SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) BI runtime portal as an enterprise-wide portal? Or should I have a federated portal on top?
You can use the BI capabilities for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) Portal that comes with the usage type EP as your standard BI Portal for your BI user group. However, if you plan to run an Enterprise Portal for several user groups (BI, non-BI, mixed groups), you should consider a federated portal approach.
The federated portal approach allows you to combine several SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portals. The central Enterprise Portal is also called the consumer portal, and it could be the single point of entry for end users.
All other portals are called producer portals. The producer portals are linked to the consumer portal. The consumer portal could integrate complete portal roles of the producer portal.
Mixed portal roles with the content of several producer portals are possible using the remote Delta Links.
Information broadcasting is possible within one producer portal. Broadcasting between different producer portals is not possible.
In general, all functions, which are possible in a standalone portal, are possible in a producer portal. These functions are not possible between different producer portals (such as information broadcasting).
Q) Is it possible to use an SAP EP 6.0 Portal with a federated portal?
No. Only SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI Portals support the federated portal approach. An SAP EP 6.0 Portal could not be a consumer or producer portal in a federated portal system landscape.
Q) If you do not use any new BEx Web functions, do you have to install the usage types BI Java and EP?
SAP EP 6.0 Portals could be integrated into a federated portal system landscape using URL iViews.
Q) Which BI capabilities for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) have to be included in an enterprise-wide federated SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) Portal?
1. For each SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) system, you can integrate the portal roles of the local BI or portal runtime into a federated portal.
2. Currently, we are checking to see if it is possible to integrate BI data generated using the local BI or portal runtime of a SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) BI system as a simple iView into a federated portal. Once we can support this function, we will update this FAQ and announce it in the support package release notes.
3. Information broadcasting can only be done 1:1 into the local EP runtime of a SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI system. If you want to integrate broadcasting into the federated portal, it needs to be done using role integration.
4. KM online links to BI data can only be included 1:1 into KM folders of the local EP runtime of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI system. If you want to integrate KM online links to BI data into the federated portal, it needs to be done using role integration.
5. You can integrate SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI BEx Web Analyzer directly into a federated portal as long as you have a role containing it.
Q) Which BI capabilities for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) have to be included in an SAP enterprisewide
6.0 Portal?
1. As of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) BI SP7 in combination with EP 6.0 SP15, it is possible to integrate BI data generated using the local BI or portal runtime of a SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI system using URL iViews into a 6.0 Portal.
2. You cannot broadcast from a SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI system into a 6.0 Portal.
3. You cannot integrate KM online links on SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI data into a 6.0 Portal.
4. You can integrate the SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0 BEx Web Analyzer into a 6.0 Portal as BEx Web Application iView.
Q) Can I use one BEx Web Analyzer iView within the federated portal to access multiple BI systems?
You can access multiple SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) BI systems as well as other third-party BI systems that offer an XML/A or ODBO interface using one BEx Web Analyzer within the federated portal. You would have to connect all the systems you need as portal systems to a portal runtime of one of your SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI systems. You can then use role integration to include BEx Web Analyzer in the federated portal.
As of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI SP7 in combination with EP6.0 SP15, it is possible to integrate BI data generated using the local BI or portal runtime of a SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI system using URL iViews into a 6.0 Portal. You are able to integrate the SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI BEx Web Analyzer into a 6.0 Portal as URL iView.
Q) Can I integrate BI queries, Web applications and so on into third-party portals?
Yes. All BI objects can be displayed as iViews. iViews can be integrated into other portals. Check the EP documentation. You can also integrate into third-party portals by Broadcasting into file servers. Check the Broadcasting documentation and the Broadcasting FAQs.
Q) Can I use one Broadcaster iView to create settings for multiple BI systems?
No. There is a 1:1 relationship between broadcaster iViews a BI system.
Q) Can I include KM Online links to various BI systems into one KM Folder?
No. There is a 1:1 relationship between a KM folder and a BI system.
Q) How can I publish BI capabilities for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) BEx queries, workbooks and Web applications as iViews in the Portal Content Directory?
This can be done using the BEx Broadcaster in SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s).
Q) If you have an existing SAP EP 6.0, do you have to upgrade it to use new BEx Web functions?
No. However, you have to install an SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal along with your BI system. New BI Content can be shown in an SAP EP 6.0 Portal (as of SP15) using SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal (as of SP7).
Q) Do you have to upgrade or install the BI system and SAP NetWeaver Portal simultaneously?
No. You can upgrade or install them independently. However, you need SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal to use any new BEx Web functions.
Q) If you are using a non-SAP portal, do you have to install an SAP NetWeaver Portal?
Yes. If you use any new BEx Web functions, you have to install SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal along with your BI system. However, you can display BI content in a non-SAP portal.
Q) You include a BEx Web template as an iView in SAP EP 6.0. You upgrade the underlying SAP BW 3.x system to SAP NetWeaver 2004s and generate the Web template on the new SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) Java or Portal runtime but still want to see the template as the same iView in the SAP EP 6.0. What happens to the iView in SAP EP 6.0?
As of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) BI SP7 in combination with EP6.0 SP15, it is possible to integrate BI data generated using the local BI or portal runtime of a SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI system using URL iViews into a 6.0 Portal. Within EP 6.0, two properties of the iView need to be changed:
1.Version property (BW Version): new in BI 7.0 (2004s) but automatically added to old iViews.
2. BEx Web Application Query String (Report): replace “template_id” to “template” and adjust technical template name if new template does not have the same name.
Q) What are the best resources for BI capabilities for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal integration?
Recommended resources:
SAP Note 917950 is a frequently updated resource for questions regarding Setting Up BEx Web in SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) BI.
Documentation – You can find a detailed description of all required steps in the BI system in transaction SPRO, SAP Reference IMG ->SAP Customizing Implementation Guide ->SAP NetWeaver ->Business Intelligence ->Reporting-relevant Settings ->Web-Based Settings ->Integration into the Portal.
Q) Can I integrate BI capabilities for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 in SAP 5.0 EP?
No. This is not supported.

FAQs on SAP Enterprise Portal - (Manager Self-Service)

How does the Business Package for Manager Self-Service fit into the mySAP Enterprise Portal product offering?
Apart from portal technology, mySAP Enterprise Portal offers a wide range of premium content packages.
mySAP ERP Financials Portal Solutions fall under the category of premium content and is offered in Business Packages, e.g. in the Business Package for SAP Manager Self-Service.
Q) How is the Business Package for SAP Manager Self-Service priced?
The basic Business Package for SAP Manager Self-Service remains within the mySAP Business Suite or mySAP ERP pricing framework.
Q) What is the difference between the Manager’s Desktop (MDT) and the Business Package for SAP Manager Self-Service?
The main difference between Manager's Desktop (MDT) and the Business Package for SAP Manager Self- Service is that in MDT you can access information and services within one R/3-system. The Business Package for SAP Manager Self-Service, however, is an Internet-based solution that combines information and services from different systems on one interface (for example different R/3 systems, BW system, Outlook, Web Content Manager, and so on). Within a portal the information can be put together in a much more flexible way. Guidelines or specific Web Content Manager help can be displayed as well as the actual
services. In MDT the manager can use the standard transactions and standard reports, whereas in the portal the services are tailored to managers' needs.
The Business Package for SAP Manager Self-Service is MDT’s successor and is seen as a new, Webcompatible solution for managers. Continued support for MDT will be ensured, but further development of this tool is not planned. The Business Package for SAP Manager Self-Service can be seen as an evolution and therefore as the next generation of manager self-services.
Q) Does the Business Package for SAP Manager Self-Service cover all MDT functions?
All the fundamental functions of MDT are available in the Business Package for SAP Manager Self-Service.
The Business Package for Manager Self-Service offers new services for the individual subject areas, such as Employee Data, Appraisals, Compensation Adjustments, and Cost Center and Budget Information.
Q) How can I get the Business Package for SAP Manager Self-Service?
The Business Packages for SAP Manager Self-Service are available for download via the SAP Developer Network. It is offered as a set of default worksets with a collection of ready-to-use iViews.

FAQs on SAP Enterprise Portal - 3

Q) What is an external-facing portal?
Ans: An external-facing portal is an implementation of the SAP NetWeaver Portal as a public Web site.
An external-facing portal is open to the internet, providing content to anonymous users, internal employees and business partners and enabling users to self-register in order to access additional content and to personalize the portal.
An external-facing portal uses features of the portal that provide Web-like behavior (for example, use of the browser navigation buttons) and reduce the amount of resources required to view portal pages.
Although not always appropriate for certain resource-rich applications, the external-facing portal can boost ROI by using the same platform for the company's internet and intranet implementations.
Q) What version of NetWeaver do I need to implement an external-facing portal?
A: SAP NetWeaver ’04 SPS 14 or higher, or SAP NetWeaver 2004s SPS 6 or higher.
Q) Where can I find the limitations of implementing an external-facing portal using SAP NetWeaver Portal?
A: SAP Note 877188 and SAP Note 853509.
Q) Why shouldn’t I use the external-facing portal for internal implementations?
A: It is recommended not to use this solution for internal use because some functionality that is commonly used for internal implementations is not supported.
Specifically, session management and WorkProtect mode are not supported as they require the use of the client framework JavaScript. Therefore, some standard SAP content – such as Web Dynpro, SAP business packages and KM (especially collaboration) – that uses these features are also not supported.
In addition, to get the full benefit of the performance improvements in an external-facing portal, the content must be “light” and supported by the light framework page. Content in internal implementations generally does not meet these requirements. For more information on recommended content for an external-facing portal, see the Content section.
Q) Should I use the provided light framework page for my external-facing portal implementations?
A: Your external-facing portal should use the light framework page, but we recommend that you customize or replace the out-of-the-box navigation iViews within the light framework page. You can easily do this with the Navigation and Framework tag libraries.
Q) What content is recommended for an external-facing portal?
A: Content within an external-facing portal must be supported by the light framework page. And in order to get the full performance benefits of an external-facing portal, content should also be “light”.
Q) What content is not supported by the light framework page?
A: The following types of content are not supported:
• Web Dynpro
• SAP business packages
• Collaboration rooms (see below for more information on Knowledge Management)
These applications and business packages make use of the session termination and WorkProtect mode features of the portal, which are not supported in the light framework page.
Q) What content is considered “light”?
A: Content that does not use a lot of resources is considered “light”.
The following are guidelines for creating “light” content:
• Use static content as much as possible.
• Avoid HTMLB.
• Avoid client-side eventing (specify in the portalapp.xml an EPCFLevel value of 0 for no eventing).
• Use the navigation tag library for navigation links.
• Use page layouts with custom iView trays. The default iView tray uses HTMLB.
• Do not create Related Links for iViews and pages, as the Related Links iView is considered "heavy" content.
• Make sure that any dynamic navigation iView for your content is also light.
• Avoid the out-of-the box Knowledge Management iViews.
• Avoid using EPCM.doNavigate Links; use ?NavigationTarget= links instead, to avoid loading the EPCM framework.
Q) What content is considered “heavy” and not as suitable for an external-facing portal?
A: The following types of content are considered “heavy”:
• Knowledge Management iViews
Q) Can I still use HTMLB and client-side eventing in an external-facing portal?
A: Yes, however, the portal will not enjoy the performance benefits from the light framework page. The performance impact from HTMLB is much more significant than from client-side eventing.
Q) Can I still use Knowledge Management (KM) in an external-facing portal?
A: Yes, but with the following restrictions:
• KM iViews are considered “heavy” content.
Although you can run KM iViews in the light framework page of an external-facing portal, a portal running these iViews does not enjoy the performance benefits of the light framework page.
• Browser functionality (that is, the use of the browser’s navigational buttons, such as Back, Forward and Add to Favorites) is not supported within KM iViews.
• KM content may not be indexed by search engines.
• KM content cannot be accessed via the quick links implementation.
Q) Are collaboration rooms supported in an external-facing portal?
A: No.
Q) Can I run .NET iViews in an external-facing portal?
A: Yes, but some HTMLB and other JavaScript files will be loaded automatically, making such iViews not as light.
Q) How is navigation different in an external-facing portal?
A: In an external-facing portal, the light framework page displays portal pages in a single frame.
When a user clicks on a navigation link, the following occurs:
• The browser retrieves new content for the entire browser window.
With the standard framework, new content is generally retrieved for the desktop inner page only.
• The URL for the current page is displayed in the browser address field.
With the standard framework page, the URL for the portal’s home page is generally displayed.
Q) How is the light framework page assigned to users?
A: Administrators create desktop rules to assign desktops to different users.
A desktop is a combination of a framework page and a theme. Desktops can be assigned based on such parameters as the user name, the user groups to which the user belongs, the portal alias in the URL, or the bandwidth of the user's connection.
Q) Is it possible to switch between the light and standard framework page while a user is logged in (for example, in order to display static content in the light framework page and KM or Web Dynpro content in the standard framework page)?
A: No.
As display rules are used to provide a user with the relevant desktop when logging on, the user receives a framework page that cannot change until the user logs off. If the user then logs on again, the user could receive a different framework page if a different user name or URL is used.
However, it is possible to provide a light desktop containing the light framework page to all anonymous users and, then, provide the standard framework page when the user logs in.
Q) Will the pages in my external-facing portal be indexed by internet search engines?
A: Yes. Since navigation links in an external-facing portal include a complete URL that uniquely identifies a specific navigation node, search engines will be able to index portal pages.
However, KM content contained within KM iViews is not indexed.
For further information on how to make your portal searchable, refer to the search engines Web master guides.
Q) Can I use styles that are set in the Theme Editor with my light navigation iViews?
A: The default light navigation iViews that come with the portal contain styles that can be customized using the Theme Editor. These styles are listed in the Theme Editor under Light Top-Level Navigation and Light Detailed Navigation.
You can create your own light navigation iViews by copying the default light navigation iViews and making modifications, while keeping the styles already defined in these iViews.In your light navigation iViews, you cannot use styles set in other areas of Theme Editor, nor can you create your own styles and link them to the Theme Editor.
Q) Can I use the Navigation, Framework and Layout tag libraries to create navigation iViews and custom layouts for the standard framework page?
A: Yes.
Q) How is user management configured in an external-facing portal?
A: User management is configured just as in a standard portal implementation, except that anonymous users are given access to content.
In an external-facing portal, administrators must do the following:
• Enable anonymous users by opening the portal to the internet and configuring the portal to accept anonymous users. Anonymous users can access the portal with the
by default, anonymous users are given access to the portal.
• Map anonymous users to a specific user defined in the portal Guest is the default anonymous user, and this user is part of the Everyone, Anonymous Users and Guests groups.
• Assign content to this user, or to the Anonymous Users group.
• Map registered users to groups.
By default, self-registered users are assigned to the Everyone group. You can configure the system to assign registered users to one or more specific groups.
• Assign content to the groups to which self-registered are assigned.
Q) How is performance improved in an external-facing portal?
A: An external-facing portal makes use of the light framework page, which displays portal content in a single frame. This framework page includes navigation iViews that do not use HTMLB or client-side eventing, eliminating the need to download relatively large resource files.
The following portal features were developed to improve the performance of an external-facing portal but can be used in any portal implementation:
• Navigation Cache: The portal can cache navigation hierarchies and nodes. For a user with the same navigation hierarchy as a previous user, the portal can retrieve the hierarchy from the cache instead of creating it again. This saves time and improves performance.
• Short (hashed) URLs: In navigation links, navigation nodes are specified by short GUIDs instead of the entire navigation path, which can be very long.
• Resource-Sensitive Page Builder: The page builder only downloads the JavaScript that is required by the current page or iView.
Q) I have implemented an external-facing portal, but my performance is not much better than when I used the standard framework page. How come?
A: The performance gains in an external-facing portal are due to reducing the resources required by the framework page and navigation iViews inside the framework page.
However, performance is also dependent on the iViews that are run in an external-facing portal and the resources they require. If resource-intensive (“heavy”) applications are run in an external facing portal, the performance gains may not be as noticeable.
In addition, the Related Links navigation iView uses HTMLB and client-side eventing, so any page with a Related Links iView will not be "light".
Q) Can I use the features of an external-facing portal to improve performance in my internal portal?
A: The performance gains from the use of the navigation cache, short URLs and resource-sensitive page builder can be used in any portal implementation.
The light framework page is designed for use in an external-facing portal.
Q) What functionality do I lose as a result of the performance improvements?
A: The light framework page does not support the WorkProtect mode and session termination features.
Therefore, applications that require these features – including Web Dynpro applications – may not operate properly in an external-facing portal.

FAQs on SAP Enterprise Portal - 2

Q) Accessing a Portal Component in the Default Mode?
Ans: doConent ();
Q) Extending class when developing your Portal Components?
Ans: AbstractPortalComponent.
Q) Portal Runtime calls the methods in the Life Cycle
Ans: init (), service (), destroy ()
Q) What are the Parameters that we have to pass to doConent ();
Ans: IPortalComponentRequest, IPortalComponentResponse;
Q) How do you access a Resource from a request object?
Ans: request.getResource ();
Q) Personalization concept what are the data type attribute supported?
Ans: String, Date, Select, Boolean.
Q) How do you u get the property from the IPortalCompenentProfile?
Ans: get Property (String)
Q) What is the method has to be overridden by the class that extends from
Ans: get Page ();
Q) Give the sequence of methods execution of DynPage
1) doInitialization ()
2) doProcessAfterInput()
3) doProcessBeforeOutput()
Q) Sequence of method calls when an event occurs
1) doProcessAfterInput()
2) On
3) doProcessBeforeOutput()
Q) How do u get the getCurrentEvent();
IPageContext myContext = PageConectFactory.createPageConext(request, responce);
Event = myContext.getCurrentevent();
Q) onClientClick() and onClick() are specified then which method will be called first
Ans: onClientClick ();
Q) What type of approach JSPDynPage uses?
Ans: Model View Controller
Q) The two properties in the component profile indicate that a JSP need to be compiled into portal component?
Property name = “JSP”
Property name = “ComponentType”
Q) How do you call a jsp file?
Ans: setJspName();
Q) If java Script is used which tag is necessary for the page
Ans: Page tag
Q) Which tag is used for including bean in the jsp file?
Ans :
Q) What is the scope of the bean
Ans: Session
Q) Give the objects that are extend forms the IPrincipal.
Ans :
IGroup, IRole, IUser, IUserAccount, IUserMaint,
Q) What is the Central object from which all UME object factories are obtained
Ans: UMFactory
Q) What will this do: IUser user = UMfactory.getUserfactory().getUserbyLogonID(uid)
String userName = user.getDisplayName();
String email = user.getEmail();
Response.write (“userName”+ username+” Email :”+ email);
1) Displays the username and Email ID
2) Throws an exception
3) Doesn’t Compile
Ans: 1.
Q) How Unique IDs are used to identify objects across data sources.
Ans: ..
Q) How do u retrieve log on information
Ans: umdata.enrich(map);
Q) What is the return type of map.get (“”);
Ans: String
Q) How do u load the data in the Client Eventing across the iViews?
Ans: EPCM.loadClientData();
Q) What is the object available in the pages?
Q) What problems does HTMLB overcomes on the servlets?
Visualization and business logic are not separate
Development has to take care of different web clients and versions
NamesSpace conflicts with form elements
Q) Stored data is identified by the key …..
Ans: Namespace+name
Q) What are the Frame Work Levels?
Level = 0 ….. Not supported by both JavaScript, Java
Level = 1 ----only by browser (java Script)
Level = 2 ----both JavaScript and Java
Q) What are the features of portal Services in the portal?
1) Portal services are way to provide functionality to portal component
2) Portal services implement no user interface
3) Portal service may be accessed from out side portal framework
Q) Why do we need custom portal Services in the portal?
1) Can be used by other Portal Application
2) Provide commonly used Functionality
3) Can be exposed as webservice
Q) To build a new portal service which interface must be implemented?
Q) Portal service name is myService …what would be the name of interface that extends IService
Ans: IMyService
Q) JCA/J2EE connector Architecture is not API. True /False
Ans: true
Q) ConnectorFrameWork is SAP Extended API from CCI. All methods in Connector Framework have methods with suffix as EX ()….
Ans: False. only some methods
Q) What is the method used to get connection in the Java Connectors?
Ans: Service.getConnection();
Q) How do you get the locale from the request object?
Ans: Request.getLocale();
Q) What is the return type for the table type structure?
Ans: IRecordSet.
Q) Give the name of the method that returns resource bundle for the current locale?
Ans: getResourceBundle()
Q) What is the data type that returns by the method getString (key)?
Ans: String
Q) How do u access the key in the properties file xyz = abc?
Ans: getString (“xyz”)
Q) What type of objects can be translated?
Ans: Text
Q) The portal translation process is supported by tools?
Translation worklist coordination
Worklist translation
Q) To customize the Logoff screen to the portal which file is used to change?
Ans: masthead
Q) SAP recommends not to modify the SAP code, then what are the process to customize the code
1) Copy the existing file and rename it according to customer name space
2) Create new custom component
Q) How can we customize the company branding?
1) Masthead
2) Through customize application.
3) By having the Logo change.
Q) What are the components that are added to Portal Desktop?
Default Frame work
Q) What is the jsp name that contains log on page?
Ans: umLogonPage.jsp
Q) Authschemes.xml is modified to get custom log on component?
Ans: True
Q) How do you access portal services from WebDynpro applications?
Ans: WDPortalUtils
Q) Cached objects are retrieved using which method?
Ans: get(key)
Q) How can the portal service access to external Web Service?
Generate java proxy out of WSDL file with PDK
You can execute the java proxy as portal service

FAQs on SAP Enterprise Portal - 1

Q) What is SAP Enterprise Portal?
SAP EP offers users role-specific, Web-based and secure access to all relevant information, applications and services. Employees only need a desktop and a Web Browser, and can begin work once they have been authenticated in the portal.
Q) What components does SAP Enterprise Portal contain?
SAP Enterprise Portal contains the NetWeaver components Portal, Knowledge Management, and Collaboration. In addition, SAP provides pre-defined content. At the moment the portfolio contains more than 100 business packages, which are shipped in multiple languages.
Q) What is the relationship between Web Dynpro and SAP Enterprise Portal? Are iViews and Web
Dynpro competing technologies?
Web Dynpro is Sap’s programming model for developing professional and interactive Web user interfaces for business applications.
An iView is a logical portal content module representing a visual application or part of one. One or more iViews are combined on a portal page, which is then assigned to users by the role definition. Web Dynpro UIs are integrated in SAP Enterprise Portal with iViews.
Q) What personalization functions does SAP Enterprise Portal provide?
Portal roles are a central element of SAP Enterprise Portal. They structure the content and are defined for specific end users.
A role is a collection of task-specific content. Roles are defined based on responsibilities and areas of interest, and are created by a role administrator. A user can be assigned one or more roles (for example, the roles employee and staff). The roles define the content of the portal navigation as well as the content of the portal. Role assignment can therefore be seen as a pre-personalization of the portal - a personalization that is performed by the administrator and not by the user (personalization level 1). Depending on their permissions, users can also adjust the look and feel of the portal, maintain user-specific attributes (personalization level 2), change portal pages by adding or deleting iViews (personalization level 3), and personalize individual iViews (personalization level 4).
Q) What tools does SAP provide for creating portal content?
SAP provides tools for creating and developing portal content – depending on the target group and the complexity of the applications.
One distinguishes between
Portal Content Studio: An administration environment integrated in SAP Enterprise Portal that is used for code-free development of portal content using wizards.
SAP NetWeaver Visual Composer: Model-based development of portal content by simply using graphic tools.
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (Web Dynpro perspective): Based on the powerful Web Dynpro programming model, application developers can develop Web user interfaces for professional business applications.
SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (J2EE + PDK perspective): The SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio offers complete support when developing Java projects.
SAP ABAP Workbench: The ABAP Workbench provides the Business Server Page (BSP) technology for creating Web user interfaces.
All the portal content created using these tools can be seamlessly integrated in SAP Enterprise Portal using the portal services already presented.
Q) What are the key features of the portal?
Typical examples for the integration technology are:
Client Eventing: Enables iViews to communicate with one another at the client side and to communicate with the portal itself.
Work Protect: Function providing an infrastructure for handling unsaved data in portal applications, for example if users navigate in the portal without first having stored their entries in an application.
Session Management: Contains in particular the session persistence to retain the last session status of the user (for example when navigating to another portal page) as well as a server session termination function for releasing resources on the backend system (for example when closing the browser).
Portal Navigation: SAP Enterprise Portal offers more than simply navigation between individual portal pages, in particular.
Object-based navigation (OBN): It provides users with a navigation feature based on the actual business objects from productive backend systems.
Drag & Relate: iViews can contain objects representing business elements of a backend application (for example customer). If users pull such an object, as with Drag & Drop, and relate it to another object in the Drag&Relate target object area, they can navigate between different applications containing similar, but not identical business objects.
Dynamic Navigation: The portal enables you to assign navigation objects to pages and iViews as contextsensitive dynamic navigation iViews. This means that navigation targets are provided dynamically depending on the action selected.
Q) Which security features does SAP Enterprise Portal offer?
The portal offers the following security features to help keep your portal secure.
Authentication: When users access the portal, they must provide some form of identification in the form of user ID and password, client certificates, and so on. The portal supports authentication with user ID and password, X.509 certificates, integrated Windows authentication, external Web access management tools.
Single Sign-On: Once users have successfully logged on to the portal, they can access all information, applications, and services without repeatedly having to log on.
Authorization: ACL-based permissions ensure that users can only access portal objects for which they have the required authorization. Authorization for applications integrated in the portal is handled by the systems on which the applications run.
User Management: Existing corporate LDAP directories in your system landscape can be leveraged by the portal. Alternatively user data can be retrieved from a SAP Web Application Server ABAP or from a database.
Secure Communications: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Secure Network Communications (SNC) can be used to build a secure channel between the user's Web browser, the portal server, and backend systems.
Secure network architecture: Recommendations for secure network architecture for the portal are available in the Portal Security Guide.
Security logging: Security-relevant events such as user logon, or changes to permissions, are logged.
Q) How is user management implemented in SAP Enterprise Portal?
The portal uses the 'User Management Engine' (UME) which is an integral part of SAP Web Application Server Java. The UME manages user and user-related data (roles, groups) which can be retrieved from an LDAP directory, a SAP Web Application Server Java, a database, or a combination of these. Administration tools allowing you to manage users, groups, and roles are integrated in the portal user administrator role. A configuration tool for configuring the UME is integrated in the portal system administrator role.
In addition, the UME provides many features such as self-registration with approval workflow, notification emails, and so on.
Q) How can I integrate the user management of the portal with that of other systems?
The portal user management is very flexible and allows you to use a variety of repositories for storing and retrieving user data. In particular, it allows you to leverage existing user repositories in your system rather than having to set up a new user repository.
For example, if you are using your portal in a system landscape that includes many non-SAP systems, you can provide a central user base using an LDAP directory and configure the portal to use the LDAP directory as its user repository.
On the other hand, if you are using your portal in a system landscape that consists of SAP systems only, you can set up Central User Administration (CUA) on one of the ABAP-based systems and configure your portal to use the ABAP user management as its user repository.
Q) Where can I find more information about user management and security in the portal?
Visit Sap’s security pages in SAP Service Marketplace at service.sap.com/security. You can find the Portal Security Guide with recommendations on how to secure your portal at service.sap.com/securityguide.
Documentation on security and user management is available on the Help Portal at help.sap.com/nw04.

Personalizing the Portal - Features

· An iView is a program that retrieves data from an information source in your company and on the Internet, and displays it in the portal content area.
· All areas that comprise your portal desktop are iViews.

· A page consists of the totality of iViews assigned to it, which can be several or one, and a layout, which determines the physical arrangement of the iViews.

· In order to create a visually harmonious and balanced layout, and provide flexibility for browser font settings and window sizes, the portal supports nine different predefined page layouts.
· Each page may have more than one layout available to it.
· You may have access to custom layouts created by your administrator.

· Related iViews are usually organized on the same page for easier task performance.
· Depending upon your permissions, you can personalize each page by choosing which content to display and its placement on the page.